pick your poison

my name is val/suff. i'm an agender polymorph fictionkin. ive been awakened since january 20th of 2022 and i'm active on/off in the community. i'm mainly known for being that one dude whos worgenkin or needlem0use. i've always struggled with my villainous instincts staying with me in my current life, and i plan to make media expressing such topics eventually.

i consider myself a polymorph due to my constantly changing identities. if you see a kintype come and go, don't consider that as a bad thing. i believe all flickers are a stepping stone in my journey to figuring out myself as something out of this world. most of my kintypes are also always related to fictional material, fiction is a big part of my life and things such as animals or mythical creatures haven't had as much as an impact on me.

the disks lead to pages for specific kintypes

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