Throughout my life, I've always felt a desire to do evil things. I've never been wronged, I have no motivation to do such things. All I've wanted to do is cause terror. I've noticed these behaviors since I was born, and even the most petty things like hacking my classmates school accounts fulfilled these urges.

Doing things IRL were too difficult, so I had to resort to petty "cybercrimes". One concept I did find appealing was being a creepypasta. I actually did manage to get somewhere with this, if you're familiar with Animal Jam, you may know about the Lost Jammer. I own the account Decomposer1, which lots of people mistake for the actual lost jammer. Apologies for bragging mid explaing-my-kintype, but I've always appreciated creepypastas and just scaring the shit out of people digitally in general. Creepypastas are like the Disney magic to me, I'd prefer if people treated it as if it was real.

It would be ironic how I later found out I was basically a creepypasta. I never thought I'd be a game as old as Needlem0use, but I guess I am. Note, I am not Sarah. I am not one specific character from Needlem0use, I am the game itself. I identify mainly as Needlem0use and Needlem0use tails (both effected by Sarah/Luther and not effected), but I've manipulated the game many times before. I was friends with Sarah, and I eventually lost a chunk of my conscious after she went all spooooky and started changing my code to a major degree. It's hard to describe all of my experiences of being Needlem0use, so I'll just cut it off here.

Unlike most kin of villains, I've never felt remorse for my actions. I've wanted to repeat what I've done in the past, and I still don't really have too many regrets about it. Did you want me to lie about my experiences, or did you come here for the truth?