hey you should watch this when ur done reading

Ah yes, the one generic kintype everyone has. I mean, it's sort of generic? I don't think anyone else is a worgen besides me, but you sure as hell have seen a bunch of werewolves and canines.

To keep it simple, just think of a generic wolf therian awakening, but with a bit of fictionkin mixed in. I've always felt at home with werewolves, and when I got internet access waaaay too early and started playing WoW, worgens resonated with me a little too much. Gilneas is basically a hearthome for me, I've always played as a worgen and I would get upset whenever I would have to kill other worgen. There's a lot more, but one funny part I like to mention is how it got fucking political. I was mad that the night elves assisted the worgen during the end of the starting zone and took them to Teldrassil, Gilneas was my home and our kind could fight off the Horde ourselves.

I've been worgenkin for an incredibly long time, and I've awakened as a worgen since february of 2022. A regular wolf or werewolf will never resonate with me as much worgen do.